Value-Based Healthcare and Payment Innovation

Enabling candid discussions on paying for healthcare

How can health systems respond to ongoing cost-containment pressures? How can value-based healthcare be implemented to the satisfaction of diverse stakeholders?

In an era of rising healthcare costs, sustainably paying for high-quality health services and cutting-edge medicines and technologies is a critical issue. This is particularly true in the United States as it continues to shift from a volume- to value-based paradigm.  

Tapestry works with leaders to address the challenges of whole-system financing and value-based reimbursement. Our initiatives have explored payment approaches for transformative treatments like cell and gene therapy and for healthcare provision in complex medical specialties.

Recent projects include: 

  • The Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Shared Value Initiative: Advancing value in specialized remains a significant challenge. In this effort, Tapestry is engaging clinicians, payers, and other stakeholders to create a safe forum for candid dialogue around value-based care in IBD, a complex disease area with variable costs and outcomes.
  • The Optimal Oncology Alternative Payment Models Advisory Council:  Tapestry worked with leading clinicians, payers, patient advocates, and industry actors to build a platform for assessing pilot APMs and advancing value-based cancer care. The Council produced analysis and insights including lessons from commercial payer pilot programs, which were published in the American Journal of Managed Care.
  • The Innovative Healthcare Financing (IHF) Working Group: Tapestry collaborated with the MIT Laboratory for Financial Engineering and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute to create a working group on sustainable payment for transformative oncology treatments. Participants considered how approaches from financial services could be adapted to help patients and payers better manage these treatments’ costs.

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