Novel Healthcare and Therapeutic Technologies

Advancing emerging technologies in health and medicine

How prepared are health systems to adopt the latest developments in healthcare AI, digital health, cutting-edge diagnostic technology, and other novel innovations?

Rapid and fundamental innovation—ranging from digital technology to generative artificial intelligence—has ushered in a plethora of new solutions. In many cases, existing regulatory and reimbursement frameworks have not kept pace with technological change.

Tapestry helps stakeholders collaboratively address the adoption of new technologies that could revolutionize health services delivery, access, and reimbursement.

Relevant efforts include:

  • Digital Health and Diagnostic AI Technologies: In 2023, Tapestry partnered with the Peterson Center on Healthcare and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation to address the lack of resources and standards for assessing value, performance, and quality of digital health technologies and AI-enabled diagnostic decision support tools.
  • Multicancer Early Detection Initiative: MCED technologies, which aim to identify early signals of cancer, signal a new era in cancer screening and prevention, but their introduction into the market faces complexities. Tapestry engaged diverse stakeholders to tackle concerns around MCED adoption. This work laid the foundation for a new independent organization—the MCED Consortium—to address these issues on a long-term basis.

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