
Government perspectives on sanctions and cybersecurity

May 2022

World events over the last 12 months have heightened the cybersecurity and sanctions risks that large global companies face. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, an expanding list of sanctioned entities, and the intensifying threat of ransomware are creating new and complex challenges for companies, and new demands on their boards and audit committees.

On March 21-22, 2022, members of the Audit Committee Leadership Network (ACLN) met to hear perspectives of federal agencies that play lead roles on cybercrime, sanctions, and export controls. John Carlin, principal associate deputy attorney general with the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) and Jeff Sallet, a forensics and integrity services partner with EY who recently served as associate deputy director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) joined the discussion. Mr. Carlin’s comments were off the record; Mr. Sallet’s comments were on the record.