
Sir Jonathan Thompson

Chief Executive Officer

Financial Reporting Council

As Chief Executive of the Financial Reporting Council, Sir Jon Thompson leads the delivery of the FRC’s regulatory remit over corporate reporting, corporate governance and audit of the UK’s largest companies. The FRC is undergoing a huge transformation following the Kingman and Brydon reviews and is leading the delivery of the Government’s White Paper Restoring Trust in Audit and Corporate Governance.

Prior to joining the FRC, Sir Jon was the CEO of Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs, the UK Tax Authority, collecting more than £625 billion, employing more than 65, people and driving reform of the UK tax system. Sir Jon led the first wave of digitisation of the UK tax system, Making Tax Digital, delivering a much better service to customers, raising revenues and reducing the scope for error.

Before HMRC, Sir Jon was Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defence, jointly leading the £36 billion organization with the Chief of the Defence Staff. Sir Jon has had a lengthy finance career including as Director General, Finance at the MoD, Director General, Corporate Services at the Department for Education and Finance Director of Ofsted. Before joining the Civil Service in 24, Sir Jon held a number of corporate services and finance roles in the public and corporate sectors.

Sir Jon is Chair of Crown Hosting Data Centres Limited and a Non-Executive Director of High Speed Two, delivering the biggest infrastructure project in Europe.