Phil Krebs
Director of Medical Policy
Geisinger Health Plan
Mr. Krebs is currently the Director of Medical Policy at Geisinger Health Plan (GHP). He is responsible for the medical policy development program, clinical guidelines, and medical policy operations. He is also assistant chairman of the Geisinger Technology Assessment Committee and its subcommittees.
Phil has been employed by the Geisinger Health System since 1981. Phil is a board registered Electroencephalographic Technologist and a member of the American Society of Electroneurodiagnostic Technology and the American Board of Registry of Electroneurodiagnostic Technologists. Prior to joining GHP, Phil worked in the clinical neurophysiology department of Geisinger Medical Center and had operational oversight of the Oculomotor/Vestibular Research lab. Mr. Krebs has published research papers on prion protein disorders, psychogenic seizure disorder, and has been a collaborative co-author with the Jefferson School of Population Health and a research contributor with Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Massachusetts. He is the only non-physician selected by the PA Medical Society to co-author their Diabetes Guidelines. He has been a contributor to several articles in the Journal of Managed Care, a panelist in several national webinars, and a guest lecturer for Bucknell University’s Biomedical Engineering department.
Disclosures: Phil has no MCED-related relationships to disclose.