
Leslie Ireland



Current public company boards: Citigroup

Executive experience: Leslie Ireland retired from Federal service in November 216 after more than 31 years in the intelligence community.  In her final assignment, she served as the assistant secretary of the Treasury for Intelligence and Analysis and the DNI National Intelligence Manager for Threat Finance. She joined Treasury in 21 after 25 years at CIA.  From 28-21, Leslie served as daily intelligence briefer to President Obama. As the first DNI Iran Mission Manager from 25-28, she served as the principal advisor to the DNI on Iran and was responsible for overseeing the intelligence process on Iran for the entire US government. She held a range of other assignments at CIA, including executive assistant to Director of Central Intelligence Porter Goss, and executive assistant to Deputy Director of Central Intelligence/Acting Director of Central Intelligence John McLaughlin, and was detailed to the Office of the Secretary of Defense as country director for Iran and Kuwait.

Additional information: Leslie is a member of the Board of Directors of the Stimson Center, a non-partisan policy research center working to resolve the world’s greatest threats to security and prosperity.  She is also a member of the Chubb Cyber Advisory Board and Cyber Florida Board of Advisors.  

Leslie is the recipient of the Alexander Hamilton Award, the highest award bestowed by the Secretary of the Treasury, the Intelligence Community Seal Medallion, personally awarded by the DNI, the National Intelligence Distinguished Service Medal (216 and 28), and the CIA Intelligence Commendation Medal. She is a graduate of Franklin and Marshall College and Georgetown University.