Karen Kaul
Chair of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
North Shore University Health System
Dr. Karen Kaul is board-certified in Anatomic and Molecular Genetic Pathology and established one of the earliest Molecular Diagnostics laboratories in the US. She has been significantly involved in education, quality, and standardization of the practice of molecular pathology, the lab basis for personalized medicine. She served as President of the Association for Molecular Pathology, Editor of the Journal of Molecular Diagnostics, and in 28 received the Association for Molecular Pathology Leadership Award. Dr. Kaul participated in the Tapestry/SpotDx panel in 214-16, and provided educational testimony to the Senate HELP committee on Laboratory-developed procedures in 216. She is a Trustee of the American Board of Pathology, serving in numerous roles related to physician training and certification. As departmental chair, she has led efforts to improve laboratory efficiency and utilization, and maximize the impact of the laboratory on clinical care. She continues to practice and advocate for Molecular Pathology, and Pathology and Laboratory Medicine in general.