John K. Wulff
Audit Committee Member
Atlas Air Worldwide
Current public company boards: Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings, Inc.
Prior public company boards: Celanese Corporation, Moody’s Corp., Chemtura Corp., Sunoco Inc., Hercules Inc.
Executive Experience: John K. Wulff previously served as a member of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (July 21 – June 23). John also previously served as chief financial officer of Union Carbide Corporation from 1996 to 21. During his fourteen years at Union Carbide, he also served as vice president and principal accounting officer and controller. He was also a partner of KPMG and predecessor firms from 1977 to 1987.
Additional information: John has been a member of FEI since 1987, a member of the Committee on corporate reporting from 1987 to 21 (Chair in 1998 and 1999), and FEI National Treasurer from 2 to 22.
He graduated from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania in 1971.